KB Computers
established 1994
Services & Resources
Need hardware? Virus Removal? Computer won’t boot? Something you just can’t quite figure out? KB Computers either has the solution or knows what direction to point.
Computer Repair
Talk to our expert about desktop and laptop repair, virus protection, spyware and malware removal, computer upgrades, and hardware installation services.
Web Services
Ask us about Search Engine Optimization, web development, social media solutions, web design, and applications. We would love to help you make your ideas a reality.
Business IT Services
We provide business IT-services to organizations both large and small. Let’s talk about your network security, data storage and management, cloud services, email, and data backup services.

428 S. Washington St., Suite 221
Marion, IN 46953
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Shop Hours
Monday – Thursday: 9am – 5:30pm
Friday: 9am – 5pm
We typically close from 11:30am to 1:00pm for lunch.
Contact Us
(765) 668-7700